01 October 2010

Stepping on the Scales

I nearly choked as I stepped on the scales - could this really be me? I was so fit in high school, and I've still thought of myself that way - for years! But reality has sunk in - where did all this FAT come from?

A nutritionist appointment confirmed my worst fears.  I am so obese that my life expectancy is getting lower every week.  If I don't make some major changes to my health, then I can anticipate abandoning my family before my grandchildren arrive.

A new lifestyle is in order...  I hesitate to use the word "DIET" because diets are generally fads that come and go.  This has to be a permanent change in my life.

A friend of mine (and the nutritionist) has encouraged me to try a new program, called SLIMMING WORLD.  It is a weightloss / weight maintance program developed in the UK, and based on foods available in British grocery stores.  I also need to start exercising... perhaps join a gym.

And so, it begins - the journey from FAT to FANTASTIC. A healthy diet, a dose of regular exercise, and the support of the entire family, because I know I can't do this alone!

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